to what degree is cultural infidelity correlated with the climate?
do shallow societies produce deep individuals, or do deep societies produce shallow individuals?
is local inefficiency better than centralized efficiency?
why do people feel sympathy for the red squirrels but not the white humans?
would having open borders for women under 30 be a net positive or net negative in the world?
why is it easier for people to think "they never cared" rather than "they stopped caring"?
is "feeling seen" anticorrelated with actually being seen?
why do low iq people generally have a higher tolerance for noise? is it simply a function of living space?
is comfort anticorrelated with truth?
does empathy scale better in the first person or the third person?
is collision avoidance on city footpaths g-loaded?
what's the most romantic question you can ask?
why is some intimacy mutually exclusive? why is it okay to undress in front of your mother, or in front of your friend, but not in front of both at the same time?
is it better to be a desired object or a rejected subject?
how many people would try to resurrect you if you died?
are interesting time periods more likely to be simulated?
are there more axiomatic values than "don't kill"?
is it true that optimizing for happiness optimizes for everything else worth optimizing for?
are different importances equivalent to important differences?
if everyone could choose when to die, what would the average life expectancy be?
in an iterated game, is it better to play to win, or to play to not-lose?
what is the consequence to humans of seeing so many straight lines?
is space minimally large to support life? could it be smaller and support life?
in a video game, would turning on more lights in a room use up more electricity in the real world?
do you think about the alphabet horizontally or vertically?
why do terms like "oxbow lake", "beaker folk", "mitochondria", "L casei immunitas", "tenzing norgay", stick so well in our collective memories?
why is "nice eye" an insult but "nice eyes" a compliment?